Perfectly solving the difficulties of monitoring, alerting, tracking, and tracing data abnormal behavior in cloud environments

2. Functional characteristics

> Feature 1: Observability of sensitive data behavior

To achieve observability based on Tracing, Metrix, and User/IP for business packets involving or containing sensitive data, such as URLs/APIs/SQL, and to establish a normal baseline for sensitive data based on this;

> Feature 2: Sensitive Data Abnormal Behavior Early Warning

According to the normal baseline of sensitive data, the behavior alarm strategy of sensitive data is set on the condition of the number of occurrences, frequency, time period, User/IP, etc. of sensitive data, and data anomalies are found in time;

> Feature 3: Sensitive data chain automation topology

Provide full link tracking for specific sensitive data, timely identify blind spots in sensitive data leakage, third-party call risks, low usage call risks, and reduce the incidence of data security incidents;

> Feature 4: Behavioral audit verification of sensitive data

After a data security incident occurs, the audit of the incident behavior can be completed by querying the content of sensitive data, and the original data packet information can be provided to provide data support for the verification of the case.